Friday, June 24, 2011

Hello Summer!

This week I have decided that I am going to make the most of these next 10 weeks. I can't imagine how much life is going to change with baby number 3. There are so many things that I can do with two kids, because I have two hands:) I am more than excited to add a new baby to our family, but I am a little scared about the challenges it will bring!

Last week, which was our first week here in Harlan, was not a great week. I spent most of the week feeling sorry for myself because I had "nothing to do with the kids". Unfortunately, by feeling this way we missed out on a lot here and lost a very precious week of summer. I approached this week with a whole new attitude, and I am so glad that I did! The kids and I spent two days at Martin's Fork Lake. It is such a beautiful place! The lake is surrounded by thick, green mountains. There is a small beach with a roped off area for swimming. I have two little water bugs!

We were hoping to catch story time at the library, but the Summer program is at 2:00, which is during Kendall's nap, and I am not willing to sacrifice that! We did go to the library and get our new library cards. I let the kids pick a few books. Bradley could not believe that he got to check out 3 books! He was in book heaven:) I got Kendall a book called Pacifiers Are Not Forever. I am hoping that this will lead to her giving up the passy. More updates to come on that one!

We had a few rainy days this week, so we were on the hunt for bunk beds. I think we have found what we are looking for. Now I have to decide if we are going to let Kendall transition out of her crib. I know that it needs to happen, but she loves her bed and she is such a good sleeper. I am not sure I am ready for her to be in a "big girl" bed.

Kendall also decided this week that she is ready for panties. It is the first thing that she asks for when she wakes up in the morning. She didn't do too bad, although I have found that she is more of a 9-5 girl right now. When it is just me and the kids she is a little less distracted and more aware of when she needs to go. Once everyone gets home from work she gets so excited and looses all focus. As with the passy, more to come on this...

I discovered this week how much I love dinner time! Bradley has been saying prayer for us and his prayer last night was the best. "Dear God, thank you for this perfect day. I hope that everyday can be like today. Thank you for my family that I love so much. I will never forget you and I love you. Amen." How refreshing! I also found that I love to do dishes after dinner. When we are done eating the kids go outside to play with Daddy, so for the first time all day I get "me time". I never realized how relaxing and enjoyable it could be to very slowly and quietly clean the table and load the dish washer! When I am done I join everyone outside. The kids have had such a great time exploring the land and riding their four-wheelers. No, I did not give in, these are their age appropriate, battery powered four-wheelers!

We are now anxiously waiting for Steven to get home from work so we can go see Cars 2. Tomorrow we are headed to Louisville for the week while Steven goes to Delaware. I am so thankful that I decided to change my attitude this week. I feel so very blessed. God is good! 9 more weeks...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Home Sweet Country Home

Our Journey is not our own, for we follow the path to which we are led. Over the past four years our journey has presented us with great joys as well as challenges. It has brought us two beautiful children, one sweet angel baby, and another baby boy on the way. We have lived in three cities which span three completely different areas of Kentucky. We have gotten new jobs, left jobs, and lost jobs. We have made many wonderful friends, and had to say goodbye far too many times. We have prayed for God to lead us on a path that would be best for our family, and we believe that our prayers are being answered.

After an intense interview process, Steven has gotten a new job as a pharmaceutical sales rep. for Astra Zeneca. His territory will span Southeastern Kentucky, which means that we are once again on the move. Our new home will be in Harlan, Ky which is where Steven grew up. We still own a house in Independence, Ky that has been on the market since October. We will be living with Steven's parents until we can get that house sold. Once we do sell our house, Steven's parents will be moving out and we will be raising our children in his childhood home. The house is perfect, the town is beautiful, but this city girl is out of her element!

There are SO many bugs, snakes, and poison ivy. Our neighbors are all family, but we are definitely not in a neighborhood. The closest mall is in Lexington, which is over 2 hours away! I do not get cell phone service at the house. There are about 8-10 dogs that live on"the hill", which has actually worked to our advantage. Bradley has been praying for a dog for a few moths now. He has quickly taken to a sweet little collie named Piper. This is his new best friend!

Across the street there is a barn with a few horses. In our front yard there is a fenced in area where the horses can run. The kids love to feed and pet the horses, unfortunately we have discovered that Bradley is allergic to horses. Nothing major, just a rash on his face and his eyes swell shut! We will be fully stocked in Benadryl! I guess the horses are walked through the yard from time to time, because last week when we went outside to play there were big piles of horse poo next to the trampoline and swing set. We are definitely not in Louisville anymore!

For kids who love to be outside you couldn't ask for a better set up. There is so much room to run and play. We brought back some of their outside toys this past weekend, but we still have a lot of moving to do. Steven is ready to get the kids of four-wheelers and dirt bikes. I am going to try and push that off for a few more years!

I have not gotten a job here yet, but I did meet with a few members of the special education department. They are waiting to see what kind of funding they will be approved for. I have a lot to offer the school district, as they do not have any educators that have received training to work with children with autism. Thanks to the Campbell Co. School District I not only have experience and training, but I found my true passion in education. I hope that my path here will lead to great opportunities for the children with autism, their families, and me.

Our summer will be spent both here and in Louisville. Steven has two more weeks of training in Delaware. He flies out of Louisville so the kids and I will just stay there while he is gone. On August 15th I will be going to Louisville to sit and wait on the arrival of our newest addition, who has yet to be named! I will also be anxiously awaiting the arrival of my new nephew and niece. Please keep our family in your prayers as we embark on this new journey. We will be sure to keep everyone updated on new babies, new jobs, and new adventures!